Saturday, November 7, 2009


Melissa, is an American Exchange student. I mentioned her in my Floriade post. Well her and I have become extremely close over the past month and a half. We've gone on many an excursion around Canberra and endured some crazy class together. We enjoy breakfast for dinner, and board games. Over a month ago she started sleeping over every day haha, we were that inseparable. She introduced me to a lot of things and taught me about the importance of many things. Melissa is one of the most humble, thoughtful, caring, fun, people I have ever met. I cannot say enough about her. We love all the same things and we were probably the same person in a previous life. She is extremely beautiful, inside and out. She has become my best friend that I have met on this exchange. Now I am sad to say that Melissa Left Australia Today at 11:20 am. I saw her off at the bus station this morning at 4:00 am on her way to the Sydney Aeroport. It was one of the saddest goodbyes I think that I've ever had. We had some unreal times and I wouldnt trade my time with her for the world. She is amazing and wil be greatly missed for my last couple months in Australia. But I know that our goodbye wasn't really a goodbye, it was a See ya later. Mel, I cannot wait to meet up with you when I'm back in the Northern Hemisphere. Safe Travels, and Godspeed my friend!
Love ya mate.

1 comment:

  1. I found one of those when I was Korea too (although I slept at her place every night, lol).

    I love that you're having such a great time and meeting such amazing people <3
